Promoting a correct and responsible use of their own machines is without a doubt one of CMC’s goals. Therefore the company specialized in designing and building tracked aerial platforms chose to sponsor the training courses by IPAF (International Powered Access Federation). IPAF is a no-profit organization – of which CMC has been a member for various years – which gathers the overwhelming majority of the actors in the world of AWP (Aerial Work Platforms), between manufacturers, rental companies, distributors, construction companies, and end-users.
The use of AWPs as an alternative to fixed or wheeled scaffoldings is more and more common to carry out operations at height in construction sites. The types of machines on the market, also available for rental, are various and they display characteristics sometimes very different from one another. However, to safely use these extraordinary tools, various elements need to be taken into account. Some of them are related to the characteristics of the machine used, others to the environment, and still others to the type of work to carry out. Many of these elements can cause accidents if not correctly evaluated or taken into account.
The goal of IPAF is to promote the safe and efficient use of their mobile aerial access platforms in a broader sense, making available technical advice and information, influencing and interpreting the legislation and the standards, organizing initiatives about safety, and offering training courses.
Among the perks that IPAF offers to its members, there is the possibility to take part in the training program for AWPs’ operators, in compliance with ISO 18878, as certified by TÜV. Every year more than 150 thousand operators are trained through a worldwide network of providers of training services authorized by IPAF. The participants who pass the course are qualified via the PAL Card (Powered Access Licence), the most famous and acknowledged certificate of qualified training for platforms’ operators.
The events sponsored by CMC are addressed to IPAF trainers. A total of 13 meetings, which will be held mainly online, aimed at updating IPAF instructors and assessors in the main world markets of reference. The object of the courses: training the instructors on how the IPAF Training Program works and verify both their knowledge of the machines and their ability in passing information onto students.
The first two webinars on 11th and 25th November 2020 will be addressed to the British and Irish markets. Italy and Northern Europe (1st January), North America (14th January), and Germany (28th January) will be up next in 2021. After those, it will be the turn of Spain and Benelux (1st February), followed by a second meeting for North America (14th February), with modalities not yet defined. The only meeting to be foreseeably held in presence will be on 1st and 2nd March in Mexico. Switzerland and China (1st May) and Brazil (21st June) will be next, all of them with modalities yet to be defined.
IPAF eLearning is a flexible online learning experience that provides the same high-quality theoretical training as in presence training, and it can be completed on a wide range of devices.
“CMC always stood out for its absolute respect of the parameters and the rules for construction, as well as for perfecting the electronic systems for maneuver controls in order to guarantee the absolute safety and reliability of its platforms”, says Alessandro Mastrogiacomo, Export Sales Manager at CMC and member of the IPAF Board. “Supporting IPAF training is for us the natural continuation of a path undertaken many years ago towards our clients, both renters, and end-users, to whom we have always offered a specific training activity. And this activity now has received a further certificate from one of the most authoritative international organizations in our sector. One more reason to choose a brand like CMC, which makes credibility its strong point”.